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integraRental and QuickBooks work together in a two-way communication to deliver a comprehensive and fully integrated rental solution. Our rental software is fully integrated with both QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop.

integraerp logo


integraRental, our rental software, integrates directly with our accounting software, integraERP. Our software works better together. Real-time two-way integration enhances billing, customer information, inventory, and asset management, and more.

Avalara logo


Benefit from automatic sales tax calculations in minutes, eliminating the opportunity for errors. Process full transactions in a single, unified system and put your sales tax management on auto-pilot.

ID Scan

Capture driver's license images with the integraRental mobile app and ID scanning hardware (sold separately). Artificial intelligence scans each image and stores it securely inside our software.

Rouse logo

Rouse Analytics

Get a competitive edge in the marketplace with benchmark data fed directly into integraRental pricing tiers from Rouse Analytics, the leader in market and data analysis tools for rental companies.

RoviTracker logo


Access GPS tracking for your rental equipment and accurately capture metered hour overages on long term billings, track dispatch trucks, and monitor your equipment for theft prevention and recovery.

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I Am Full-Service

I service, repair, and sell my assets.

I Am Not Full-Service

I do not service, repair, and sell my assets.

I Have a Warehouse

I store my assets in a warehouse.

I Don't Have a Warehouse

I don’t store my assets in a warehouse.

I Have a Service Shop

I service and repair my assets.

I Don't Have a Service Shop

I do not service and repair my assets.

I am a Single Location

I have 1 store location.

I am Multi-Location

I have 2 or more store locations.

Smaller Business

I have 1-10 employees.

Larger Business

I have 11+ employees.

I Have a Big Team

I have between 1-100 employees.

I Have a Large team

I have more than 100 employees.

QuickBooks User

I am currently a QuickBooks user.

Non-QuickBooks User

I do not currently use QuickBooks.